EA Sports releases Preseason Re-release Batch 2 in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, featuring 99 FUTTIES Kylia

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Sunday, June 30, 2024

Week 2 of the Preseason promo has begun in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, and EA Sports has added a second batch of re-released players in packs — including 99 FUTTIES Mbappe. This lineup of special cards is just as overpowered and exciting as the first, with multiple 99-rated cards being up for grabs. The Preseason promo has become a staple in Ultimate Team, arriving as the final promo of this game cycle and providing fans with rewards to grind for.

Not only can gamers get their hands on valuable cards in FIFA 23 via this series, they can also unlock packs for the upcoming EA FC 24 title. With so many engaging objectives and players like 99 FUTTIES Kylian Mbappe on offer, this Preseason Re-release promo is certainly an amazing one.

99 FUTTIES Kylian Mbappe is now available as part of the Preseason Re-release Batch 2 in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

The first week of Preseason introduced an incredible lineup of re-released promo players for gamers to grind for, and this second batch is just as impressive. Headlined by 99-rated FUTTIES players like Kylian Mbappe and Robert Lewandowski, Preseason Re-release Batch 2 will keep fans entertained for the remainder of FIFA 23's game cycle.

With EA FC 24's release being right around the corner, Ultimate Team enthusiasts can keep grinding menu- and gameplay-based activities in it. Not only will this add to their clubs in FUT 23, it will also allow them to unlock rewards in the upcoming title.

Which players are part of the Preseason Re-release Batch 2 in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

Similar to last week, EA Sports has not provided a comprehensive list of all the special cards available in this re-released lineup. However, the latest loading screen provides some insight into the best possible cards that gamers can obtain, featuring:

  • Kylian Mbappe (FUTTIES): 99
  • Robert Lewandowski (FUTTIES): 99
  • Lionel Messi (Team of the Season): 98
  • Garrincha (Shapeshifters Icon): 98
  • Marcus Rashford (FUTTIES): 98
  • Paulo Dybala (FUTTIES): 98
  • David Ginola (FUTTIES Hero): 97
  • Zinedine Zidane (Trophy Titans Icon): 97
  • Alessandro Florenzi (FUTTIES): 97
  • David Alaba (FUTTIES): 97
  • Ousmane Dembele (Shapeshifters): 97

This roster will be available for the next two weeks, allowing fans to try and unlock as many of these special cards as possible before EA FC 24's arrival. With players like 99 FUTTIES Kylian Mbappe being re-released, the second week of Preseason has surely lived up to the precedent set by the first.

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