How to beat Champion Leon

Posted by Billy Koelling on Sunday, June 30, 2024

It's no spoiler that Leon is the champion of the Galar Region, with a lot of charisma and prowess as a Pokemon Trainer. You get to know that in the beginning and you are also constantly reminded of it. You're also constantly reminded about how he keeps getting lost and how his Charizard helps him find his way.

Leon is the final boss of Pokemon Sword and Shield and after you defeat the Gym Leaders again in Wyndon Stadium the final challenge will be against Leon. While he is not all that difficult, you'll still need a strong team of Pokemon to defeat him and become the Galar region. Remember to avoid training certain Pokemon because some of them are extremely weak compared to the potential team you could be having.

Here are a few tips and pointers along with the details of your battle with Champion Leon in Sword and Shield.

Tactics and Tips

Leon's Pokemon are between Level 62 and 65. So it's recommended that you level your Pokemon to at least 65 yourself and have some Pokemon at Level 70 or so. The best types of Pokemon to bring are strong Rock and Fairy Pokemon as they have some really good type effectiveness against many of Leon's Pokemon.

A Rock Type Pokemon especially one which can Dynamax or Gigantamax will be able to deal with Leon's Charizard even at Gigantamax Form since it does 4x the damage. Fairy Types can also deal with Leon's Dragons more effectively.

Having Grimmsnarl and Coalossal will bring you a major advantage as well.

Grimmsnarl - Dark/Fairy Type

Leon's Pokemon


Type: Ghost/Steel

Level: 62

Moves: King's Shield (Steel), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Sacred Sword (Fighting), Flash Cannon (Steel)

Aegislash, the representation of "Sword and Shield" is a well-designed versatile Pokemon even worth having in your team. Leon's Aegislash is his weakest Pokemon. Aegislash is vulnerable to Ground, Ghost, Fire and Dark types. So if you have a Cinderace on your team, it can handle it easily. If you don't having other type Pokemon will serve you well.



Type: Dragon/Ghost

Level: 62

Moves: Shadow Ball (Ghost), Flamethrower (Fire), Thunderbolt (Electric), Dragon Breath (Dragon)

Dragapult is one of the strongest Pokemon from Sword and Shield, no wonder Leon has it in his team. Dragapult is weak against Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost and Dark Types (Grimmsnarl is perfect against it). Beware when using Ice Pokemon as Dragapult knows Flamethrower to counter the Ice Pokemon.


Type: Dragon

Level: 63

Moves: Poison Jab (Poison), Iron Tail (Steel), Outrage (Dragon), Earthquake (Ground)

Another powerful Dragon, Haxorus is weak against Ice, Dragon and Fairy Types. Haxorus has a Poison type move to counter Fairy, Dragon to counter Dragon Types and a Steel Type move to counter Ice. Play carefully when using a Type effective against Haxorus.

Seismitoad (if you chose Grookey)

Type: Water/Ground

Level: 64

Moves: Toxic (Poison), Drain Punch (Fighting), Liquidation (Water), Earthquake (Ground)

Seismitoad is extremely easy to take out with a Grass Type and with your Rillaboom if you still have Grookey. A 4x weakness against Grass is its only weakness. Seismitoad only has Toxic as a counter move but Toxic only Poisons you and does no damage.

Mr Rime (if you chose Scorbunny)

Mr Rime

Type: Ice/Psychic

Level: 64

Moves: Teeter Dance (Normal), Psychic (Psychic), Freeze-Dry (Ice), Thunderbolt (Electric)

Mr Rime is a fairly weak Pokemon with no real counter moves against Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire and Dark types which it is weak against. You can counter Mr Rime with your Cinderace or other Pokemon in your party.

Rhyperior (if you chose Sobble)

Type: Ground/Rock

Level: 64

Moves: Earthquake (Ground), Stone Edge (Rock), Megahorn (Bug), Heat Crash (Fire)

Rhyperior is another relatively weak Pokemon which is weak to Ice, Fighting, Ground, Steel and 4x to Water and Grass Types. You can counter it easily with your Inteleon if you have it. If you are using a Grass Type, beware of Megahorn. If you are using Ice, Steel or Grass beware of Heat Crash.

Cinderace (if you chose Grookey)


Type: Fire

Level: 64

Moves: Pyro Ball (Fire), Feint (Normal), Acrobatics (Flying), Quick Attack (Normal)

Cinderace is weak against Water, Ground and Rock Types. Avoid using Grass, Fighting or Bug Types against Cinderace.

Inteleon (if you chose Scorbunny)


Type: Water

Level: 64

Moves: Snipe Shot (Water), Dark Pulse (Dark), Mud Shot (Ground), Tearful Look (Normal)

Inteleon is only weak against Electric or Grass Types. If you are using an Electric Type, watch out for Mud Shot. A Grass Pokemon should be able to deal with Inteleon easily.

Rillaboom (if you chose Sobble)


Type: Grass

Level: 64

Moves: Drum Beating (Grass), Knock Off (Dark), High Horsepower (Ground), Endeavour (Normal)

As a Grass Type, Rillaboom is vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison and Bug Types. If you are using a Fire Type, be careful about the Ground move High Horsepower. There are many Pokemon you can use to counter it.

Charizard (Fire/Flying)

Type: Fire/Flying

Level: 65

Moves: Fire Blast (Fire), Air Slash (Flying), Solar Beam (Grass), Ancient Power (Rock)

Gigantamax Moves: G-Max Wildfire (Fire), Max Airstream (Flying), Max Overgrowth (Grass), Max Rockfall (Rock)

Leon's main Pokemon is vulnerable to Electric, Water Types and 4x to Rock Types. Use a Rock Pokemon to counter Charizard especially when it Gigantamaxes. Beware of Solar Beam and Max Overgrowth while doing so, even if you are using a Water Type. Solar Beam takes 2-turns to attack so deal as much damage as you can to Charizard while it is vulnerable.

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