The Tree of Dreams was introduced in Genshin Impact 3.0 with the release of the Dendro region, Sumeru. Fans can earn numerous exciting rewards, such as Intertwined Fates, Acquaint Fates, Midlander Billets, and more, by offering Dendro Sigils to the tree. It is similar to the Sacred Sakura Tree in Inazuma.
The max level of Tree of Dreams is level 50. However, in Genshin Impact 3.4, a player can only reach level 40 due to level cap restrictions which will be increased in the upcoming updates. One can still explore the Sumeru region to collect chests and obtain Dendro Sigils for the remaining rewards from the tree when the cap is released.
Intertwined Fates, Acquaint Fates, and more rewards from Tree of Dreams levels 40 to 50 in Genshin Impact
The Tree of Dreams is immensely useful in Genshin Impact, providing a ton of exciting rewards, such as Intertwined Fates, Acquaint Fate, Crown of Insight, Midlander Billets, and more. Players can obtain these items by leveling up the tree, which can be done by gaining Vanarana's Favor and using Dendro Sigils. Notably, each level-up costs 35 sigils.
In the v3.4 update, HoYoverse increased the Tree of Dreams level cap to 40, a notable rise from 30 in v3.3. While players cannot increase the level any further, they can still see the rewards up to level 45.
Before v3.0 was released, a leak revealed all the expected rewards that can be obtained from the Tree of Dreams. The leaked data also matches the rewards in the game, so it is safe to assume that the rewards from levels 46 to 50 will be present.
A player can earn the following prizes by leveling up the Tree of Dreams between levels 40 and 50 when Genshin Impact removes the restrictions:
- Intertwined Fates x 2
- Acquaint Fates x 4
- Dream Solvent x 2
- Fragile Resin x 1
- Mora x 500000
- Midlander Bow Billet x 1
- Mystic Enchantement Ore x 100
- Adventure Rank Exp x 1800
- Philosophies of Admonition x 2
- Philosophies of Ingenuity x 2
- Philosophies of Praxis x 2
All of the above-mentioned rewards can be earned by offering 350 Dendro Sigils. Since there aren't enough Dendroculus to max the Statue of the Seven in Sumeru, fans expect Genshin Impact to release one more region and increase the level cap to 50 in an upcoming update.
Unlocking Tree of Dreams in Genshin Impact
The Tree of Dreams is not accessible from the start when the player lights up the Sumeru map. To unlock the tree, they must complete the Trees and Dreams quest, which is available after completing the first two parts of the Aranyaka World Quest Series: Woodland Encounters and The World of Aranara.
Once the tree is unlocked, its logo will be visible on the map. A player can then always teleport to Vanarana to increase Vanarana's Favor by offering Dendro Sigils and exchanging more rewards.
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